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General Appraising & Consulting Services, Inc. is a full service real estate appraisal firm dedicated to providing our clients professional, quality driven solutions for their valuation needs in the far Western North Carolina region.

Learn about our services


If you have any questions concerning the valuation of real estate or need any appraisal services in our coverage area do not hesitate to call our office or use the following questionnaire and email them to us. We will respond as quickly as possible.

General Appraising & Consulting Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 1728
Robbinsville,  N.C.   28771

Phone: (828) 479-3210


Company Name:

Email Address:



About The Property:
Please provide a description of the property, including any special instructions.

Type Of Service:
Please provide a description of the services needed for the above property.

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